In our youth, skin is tight, elastic and smooth. After the age of 18, however, gravity and the environment begin to take a toll on skin, leading to decreased elasticity and sagging or loose skin! Are your suffering from this common skin concern? Wondering about what your options are?
When clients come to me to discuss options for sagging and aging skin, I often refer them to Thermage, or radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening. RF energy penetrates deep into the skin and affects skin at the deep dermis and subcutaneous (fat) layers. This RF energy causes a tightening in the skin by improving the underlying tissue structure. RF energy, however, DOES NOT improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkling, texture, or tone.
So what can Thermage improve?
It can treat the hooding around the eye area or to lift the brow line. It can smooth and tighten sagging skin around the jawline or "turkey neck." It can also smooth bulges and contour loose skin around the abdomen.
So how do you know if you are a good candidate for Thermage?
Come into our office and schedule a free consultation! We can answer all of your questions about skin tightening, along with providing information on all of our skin care products and services. Call us now at 312-770-7546.