Other tips related to sunscreen:
1. Would you drink spoiled milk?
Monitor the expiration dates that now appear on sunscreen labels and don't gamble with expired product. It will not protect your skin!
2. Insect repellents reduce SPF by up to a third.
That means the 15+ you just applied is now an SPF 5. To be safe, when using bug spray and sunscreen together, use a SPF 50+, and avoid bugs and cancer.
3. Find yourself a really sexy hat.
I'm not kidding! Even with sunscreen, damage from the suns rays cause hyperpigmentation and wrinkling. Wrinkles are ugly, so find a hat and keep your sexy face covered!
4. Don't forget about your hands.
Hands begin to show age quickly, as the skin is thin and susceptible to damage. Find a really great hand lotion containing SPF and keep it near your sink. Between hand washings, dish cleanings, and refilling your water glass, it can be a constant reminder that you need to reapply sunscreen to your delicate hands often! Same goes for your lips... find a great lip balm with an SPF and keep those lips kissable!
5. Make bronzer your bestie!
Who needs to lay out or fake bake anymore? There are so many amazing bronzing products out there, you can be a bronzed goddess 365 days a year! So, now it is your turn to do a little work. I want to hear about all of the sunscreen products you love, so I can go out and try them and review them here! "My Favorite Things" will become a regular post here, so even if your favorites are not sunscreen related, I would love to hear about it and review them for you!
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